Monday, November 7, 2011

New Hair! Yay!

Don't you just love new hair?  The eagerness, the anticipation, the hope that this wig will be the one to transform me from barely passable -- if you squint and hold your head just right -- to Heidi Klum, or at least her older sister Gerte.

But then reality hits -- it doesn't do that.  Oh, it may better fit the shape of my face, be a better shade for my coloration, or cover more stuff up (!), but I am almost invariably disappointed.  Rather than going from Harold to Heidi, I go from George to Getrude Stein, if that.

Why are our expectations often so out of line with reality?  How can we get so out of touch with reality?  Do we all have an image in our head of how we picture ourselves, an image that if disappointed, can send us into the black pit of despair?

How should I know?  What do I look like, a shrink? (More photos after the jump)

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